Punjab Board 9th Class Chemistry Guess Papers 2024

You’ve come to the right site if you’re looking for 9th Class Chemistry Guess Paper 2024. Download 9th class chemistry guess papers 2024 in pdf format from vipcardrive.com and begin practicing. These useful guess papers are available to all 9th-grade science students. The 9th class Chemistry to Guess paper 2024 can be downloaded from the vipcardrive.com website. These guess papers will be quite useful in the chemistry board exam.

9th Class Chemistry Guess Paper 2024 Download

Guess papers for all 9th-grade courses are available here for free. As a result, chemistry is an important science subject for ninth-grade science students. So, for pupils in the ninth grade, we created the 9th grade chemistry guess paper 2024, which is available here. However, these chemistry guess papers in 9th grade are highly crucial for your board test. Guess Papers for 9th Class Chemistry in 2024.Punjab Board 9th Class Chemistry Guess Papers 2024

Guess Papers for 9th Class Chemistry 2024

The following are very essential 9th Class Chemistry questions that you can prepare for and obtain 100% on. Chemistry is a topic that can earn you points, so start studying now.

Guess Papers for 9th Class Chemistry 2024

Our professional staff made every effort to equip you with the most important topics that could be questioned in the chemistry board exam. So we produced these critical chemistry guess papers for the 9th grade science group students. However, if you practice with these useful guess papers, you can earn good grades in chemistry.

You can create these guess papers online and download them in PDF format. Guess Papers for 9th Class Chemistry in 2024.Punjab Board 9th Class Chemistry Guess Papers 2024

Guess Papers for 9th Class Chemistry 2024

  • Our qualified and professional staff used their many years of experience to create these crucial guess papers for 9th-grade pupils.
  • Because these guess papers are based on the chemistry board examination style, 9th-grade students can obtain a feel for the exam.
  • You will be able to pass your chemistry exam more easily if you have trained with these guess papers.
  • Start practicing with 9th-class chemistry guess papers in PDF from the vipcardrive.com website.
  • These guess papers are available for free download.
  • These useful guess papers are available to all 9th-grade science students.

9th Class Chemistry Guess Papers 2024

The 9th class Chemistry gue You can obtain the 9th class Chemistry guess paper for 2024 from the vipcardrive.com website.ss paper 2024 can be obtained from the vipcardrive.com website. These guess papers will be quite useful in the chemistry board exam. Guess papers for all 9th-grade courses are available here for free.




1: There are a large number of naturally occurring elements.
02 08 108 114
2: Which of the following is Benzene’s empirical formula?
C2H2O4 2nd C2H2O C6H6 CH
3: Glucose’s empirical formula is.
4: The iron valence in ferrous sulfate is.
1+2 +3 +4 +5

5: Water’s molecular mass is.
18 amu 18 g

Third, 18 mg/kg
6: What is the mass of one mole of water?
2 3 16 18
One amu is the same as.
1.66 x 10-24 mg
1.66 x 10-24 g
1.55 x 10-24 kg
1.66 x 10-23 g
7: Which of the following molecules does not have three atoms?
H2 O3
8: The following are all examples of triatomic molecules.
H2 O2 H2O CO2


1: What exactly is an element? Use an example to demonstrate
2: Define the term valency. Calculate the value of Na.
3: Define the number Avogadro.
4: Determine the number of gram molecules in 40 g of phosphoric acid.
5: Define the term “atomic mass unit.”
6: What is the difference between a compound and an element?
7: What exactly is meant by “mixture”? Give one specific example.
8: Define relative atomic mass using C-12.
9: Give an example of the molecular formula.
10: Make a note of the chemical formula for water and sugar.
11: Distinguish between molecular mass and formula mass.

12: Give an example of a mole.


1: Describe three or five differences between a compound and a mixture.
2: 3.01 x 1030 (CO2) molecules are contained in a pot. Determine the moles and mass.
3: Explain two sorts of molecules based on atom types.
4: With an example, define atomic number and mass number.




1: So, which of the following shells is made up of three subshells?
Shell O
Shell, N

L stands for shell.
2: M – Shell _ is made up of three subshells.
-Shell M
Shell L Shell N Shell
Shell, O

3: Deuterium is utilized in the manufacturing process.

Hard water, soft water, and heavy water
4: Who invented the proton?
Neil Bohr and Goldstein

5: The P subshell possesses.
a single orbital
2 Orbital

Three Orbital Objects
Orbital Four
6: Who invented the proton?
Neil Bohr and Goldstein
7: Maximum number of electrons in sub-shell “P”
1 4 6 8


  1. Record the observations made in Rutherford’s atomic model.
  2. Contrast the atomic theories proposed by Rutherford and Bohr.
  3. Specify the electronic configuration of sulfur.
  4. Provide the electronic configuration of chloride ions (Cl-).
  5. Define the term “Quantum.”
  6. Determine the electronic configuration of carbon (12C6) using subshells.
  7. State the electronic configuration of nitrogen with an atomic number of 7.
  8. Identify the drawbacks of Rutherford’s atomic model.
  9. Explain the concept of canal rays.
  10. List the electronic configuration of aluminum.
  11. State the atomic number and electronic configuration of phosphorus.
  12. Specify the electronic configuration of an element with 11 electrons.


1: How was the neutron discovered? Make a list of the properties.
2: Compare and contrast Rutherford’s and Neil Bohr’s atomic theories.
3: Name four or five Cathode ray characteristics.




1: Who established the atomic number?
Rutherford, Dalton

H. Bohr Mosely
2: How many elements are there in the contemporary periodic table?
3 4 5 6
3: The contemporary periodic table’s foundation is.
a large number
Avogadro’s formula
The atomic number
The quantum number
4: Horizontal lines are referred to as.
The atomic number
Short time frames
Long periods

5: How many groups are there in the periodic table’s lengthy form?
5 18

6: 10 20 Group 17 is appropriate.
Nobel halogen gases
Metals containing alkali
7: The distance between two carbon atoms’ nuclei.
154 p.m., 140 p.m., 110 p.m., and 115 p.m.
8: Nitrogen’s electron negativity is.
2 3 4 5


  1. Define the term “periods” and provide the names and elements of the first period.
  2. Enumerate the elements belonging to the 1st period of the periodic table.
  3. Explain the trend of ionization energy within both the period and group.
  4. Define electron affinity and offer an example.
  5. List the elements found in the 1st group.
  6. Define Ionization Energy.
  7. Describe the trend of ionization energy within a period.
  8. Define electronegativity and state the values for Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Chlorine.


1: Talk about any three of the contemporary periodic table’s key components.
2: Explain what an atomic radius is. Describe its tendencies within the periodic table’s groupings and eras.
3: The Shielding Effect: Definition. Describe its patterns across periods and groups.


Molecular structure.


1: The total number of electrons involved in a single covalent bond.
2 3 6 8
2: A triple covalent bond has how many electrons?
2 4 6 8
3: A triple bond is an example.
O2 C2H4 N2 NH3
4: Which of the following is a polar molecule?
O2 Cl2 HCl H2

5: The force between molecules is.
Metallic force Covalent force

Intermolecular attraction
The ionic force
6: The consequence of an electron transistor between atoms is.
Metallic Finishing
Ionic confinement
Covalent bonds
Covalent bonding should be coordinated.
7: It is assumed that a bond established between two nonmetals will be.
Ionic Covalent Covalent
Polar covalent bonds
Covalent coordinates
8: Determine which of the following pairs possesses polar covalent bonds.
Cl2 and O2
However, H2O and HCl H2O and N2 H2O and C2H2


  1. Define double covalent bonds and offer examples.
  2. Explain the distinctions between a donor atom and an acceptor atom.
  3. Define a non-polar covalent bond and provide an example.
  4. Describe what is meant by bonding electrons.
  5. Explore the characteristics of triple covalent bonds and present examples.
  6. Discuss the nature of HF weak solid.
  7. Define polar covalent bonds and furnish an example.
  8. Highlight the differences between the ion pair and bond pair of electrons.
  9. Contrast polar covalent bonds with non-polar covalent bonds.
  10. Identify the type of covalent bond formed in N2 gas.
  11. Examine why water possesses a polar covalent bond.
  12. Explain the concept of a Metallic bond.


1: Make a list of mental qualities.
2: Give an example of hydrogen bonding.
3: How does a coordinate covalent bond form? Use examples to demonstrate.

4: Name four covalent compound qualities.




A voltmeter is used to measure atmospheric pressure.

  1. How many Pascal is one atmospheric pressure?
    a) 101325 106075 10325 10523
  2. Liquids are __ times denser than gases.
    a) 100 1000 10000 100000


1: What exactly is Charles’ law? Create an equation for it.
2: Explain how temperature affects evaporation.
3: Why does evaporation increase as temperature rises?
4: Give an example of evaporation and define it.


1: Boyle’s Law can be confirmed through experimentation.
2: Explain what a boiling point is. Describe how various circumstances affect it.
3: Vapor pressure: what is it? How it alters in response to temperature variations.
4: Name three elements that have an impact on evaporation.




1: The solution’s most important components.
5 3 4 2
2: Which of the following is not a solid in a gas solution?
Smoke in the air
Buttered Brass
3: A solid solute solution in a solid solvent is an example.
4: The Solvent-to-Solute Ratio in Cheese Air Concentration
Solution to solute
solution to solvent
Both a and b are correct.

5: The volume of solute dissolved in 100 grams of solution is denoted as cm3.
% m/m % m/v

% v/m % v/v
6: Which one’s solubility reduces as temperature rises?
Ca(OH)2 KNO3 NaCl AgNO3
7: Which of the following is an example of suspension?
Solution of albumin
Solution for soap
Solution based on starch
Magnesia milk


1: Define the term aqueous solution. Make a list of its parts.
2: Unsaturated solution should be defined.
3: What exactly is the distinction between a solution and an aqueous solution?
4: What does volume/volume% mean?
5: The distinction between concentrated and dilute solutions.
6: Define the term “saturated solution.”
7: How much KOH is needed to make one molar solution?
8: How to make molar solutions.


1: Explain how concentrated solutions are converted into dilute solutions.
2: Make a comparison of suspension and colloid.
3: Write down the four colloidal properties.


Electrical Chemistry


1: The addition of oxygen to a chemical reaction is known as.
Reduced Condensation
2: The process of adding one electron to a material is known as.
3: Which of the following is not a strong electrolyte?
4: Which of the following are strong electrolytes?
Sodium Chloride Sugar
The acetic acid

5: A powerful electrolyte is an example.

6: That’s not an electrolyte.

Sugar solution; sulfuric acid solution
Lime solution
Sodium chloride solution
7: Corrosion is the most typical example.
As a result, chemical degradation
However, rusting of iron
Aluminum rusting
Tin corrosion
8: The rust formula is.
H2O Fe(OH)2 Fe(OH)2


  1. Provide definitions for oxidation and reduction reactions.
  2. Define a Redox reaction and offer an example.
  3. Explain the concept of an electrochemical cell and enumerate its types.
  4. Define an electrolyte and present an example.
  5. Identify the electrolyte used in chromium electroplating.
  6. Define alloy and furnish an example.
  7. Calculate the oxidation number of sulfur in H2SO4.
  8. Calculate the oxidation number of chlorine in KClO3.
  9. Discuss the purpose of galvanizing.
  10. Explain the concept of electroplating.
  11. Highlight the distinctions between corrosion and rusting.


1: Make a list of four or five rules for allocating an Oxidation number to an element.
2: Explain electroplating. Explain chromium electroplating in detail.
3: What exactly is electroplating? The process of silver electroplating.
4: Explain the redox reactions using two instances.
5: Explain the rusting process of iron.
6: What is corrosion? Write four ways for corrosion prevention.




1: Metals combine to generate ions, each of which has a charge.
Dipositive Unipositive
Try to be optimistic All
2: It is the most reactive metal.
Iron and gold
3: Which metal is prone to breaking?
Aluminum Sodium
4: Which of the following metals is the lightest?
Mg Ca Li Na Ca


1: List the following four nonmetal chemical characteristics.
2: get metals. Additionally, list three or four metals’ chemical properties.


  1. Enumerate two applications of Sodium.
  2. Identify the metals recognized for their high malleability and ductility.
  3. Provide definitions for the malleable and ductile properties of metals.
  4. List applications of Magnesium.
  5. Specify two moderately reactive metals.
  6. Identify the most precious metal.
  7. Define Metallic Character.
  8. Outline two practical uses of Gold.
  9. Name two highly reactive metals.
  10. Enumerate two physical properties of nonmetals.
  11. Explain why Sodium is more reactive than magnesium.
  12. Detail two uses of Silver.
  13. Elaborate on why platinum is preferred for jewelry making.
  14. Discuss two chemical properties of non-metals.

Chemistry Guess Papers for 9th Grade 2024

  1. Our proficient and seasoned team leveraged their years of expertise to create these invaluable guess papers for 9th-grade students.
  2. These guess papers are designed in strict adherence to the chemistry board examination pattern, providing 9th-grade students with a comprehensive understanding.
  3. By practicing these guess papers, students can enhance their preparedness for the chemistry exam. Punjab Board 9th Class Chemistry Guess Papers 2024
  4. Access and download the 9th-grade chemistry guess papers in PDF format from the vipcardrive.com website for effective practice.
  5. These guess papers are available for free download, benefiting all students in the 9th-grade science group.

Guess Papers for 9th Class Chemistry (2024)

The vipcardrive.com website is where students may obtain the 9th class Chemistry Guess Paper 2024. These guess papers will be a huge assistance to you on the chemistry board exam. You can get the free guess papers for every subject in the ninth grade here. Punjab Board 9th Class Chemistry Guess Papers 2024